Here Are Top 5 Facts About Montego Bay Jamaica



Here are top 5 facts about Montego Bay, Jamaica. 

1. Montego Bay, the capital of the parish of St. James, is known as the second city and the tourism capital of Jamaica. On October 9, 1980 Montego Bay was given city status and officially became the second city in 1982.


2. Do you know how Montego Bay got its name? There are varying explanations for how the city came by its name. However, historians agree that the name Montego Bay comes from the name Bahia de Mantega/Manteca or Bay of Lard. This was in reference to the large quantity of pig’s lard that was exported from there to other colonies in the West Indies and South America. It is said that the name was given to the bay by the Spaniards who settled here in the 16th century. Montego Bay soon became the center of the country’s sugar cane industry. As a result, it became the home for many wealthy plantation owners. 


3. The Sangster International Airport, located in the city of Montego Bay is said to be the busiest airport in Jamaica. Annually, 71% of travelers to Jamaica use Sangster International Airport.


4. A part of Montego Bay is formed by land reclamation or landfill, which is the process by which new land is formed  from oceans, rivers  lake etc. For example, that's how Dump Up Beach got its name (Dump Up Beach was recently transformed into Harmony Beach Park. You can see a full tour of the new park in this video: ). The area beyond Harbour Street going towards the sea and the Montego Freeport area are reclaimed land.


5. Did you know that Albert Market, Montego Bay's former market place, was situated directly behind what is now the Montego Bay Cultural Center? It was the place where Sam Sharpe was killed. The entire area is now known as Sam Sharpe Square. In addition, that’s how Market Street got its name.

Did you learn any new facts about Montego Bay, Jamaica from this list? 
